Sunday, November 14, 2010

witty title?

This morning my pastor said that he believes there are four people involved in your marriage:
1. You
2. Your Spouse
3. Hopefully God
4. The Enemy

It was an "aha" moment for me, as that truth really resonated. You see, no one can debate the first two - through communication and commitment to each other, you and your spouse will always be involved in your marriage. Whether you are a person who believes in the devil, I do believe that a spiritual enemy (#4) exists that is set to destroy marriages. So there are 3 people that are always going to be involved in your marriage. What I found interesting was the pastor's choice in words, "the third person is hopefully God."

Whether you believe in God or not, there are three people involved in your marriage. In my marriage it will be my choice to include God, because for sure there is an enemy involved. It's interesting to think that you cannot choose three of the four people. Hopefully God is chosen.

This is something to remember when I'm married, but also a good principle to remind myself each day. I have a choice to involve God in my every day. If there is an enemy that is already involved, why wouldn't I choose to involve God?

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmmmmmm
    what a fresh way of looking at things!
    i may recycle this idea in the near future ;)
