Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tricky treats

Growing up my family never celebrated in Halloween. The donning of costume, the receiving of candy, the egging of houses and other mischievous pranks. I was the kid who lived in the house with the lights off. Even the "hallelujah nights" at the church were considered unacceptable. It's always interesting to see who else was brought up in similar situations.

Coming to university in my first year, I participated the the Trick or Eat program at Carleton (which, if you are looking for something to do tonight, you really should consider volunteering), but even then I went as my normal self.

It got me thinking what I will do with my kids if when I have a family of my own. I've had this discussion before with people and have a few thoughts I'd like to share. Such as. it is great bonding time with your children. Instead of going out and purchasing a costume, why not take an evening to make one together. My plan of action is to introduce the cardboard box as early as possible: when they turn 1, their present is going to be a really big box wrapped up; oh the joy they will have playing in a box (really, I think it works!). So naturally, the question is what can I make with a box? And the answers you come up with can surprise you. I've seen/ heard of cameras, transformer cars, vending machines, Nerd Candy, robots, superheroes, all made out of simple cardboard. It's a money saver, and So Much Fun!

It will be a good opportunity to teach moderation in their consumption of candy, and reaffirm the goodness in sharing with others (especially with the ones who don't get any*). Depending on their age, it is even a good time to get to know some of the other parents and build a sort of relationship amongst them.

These thoughts are based on the idea that my spouse will share similar views, because I think the way children are raised is a two-person deal. It would be weird for one parent to dress up to the nines and have a candy bowl in place, while the other is totally against the whole idea of Halloween altogether.

If you're looking for any last-minute costume ideas, I'm thinking Santa Clause will be fitting for the weather we have today. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

*My friend Andrew would always save me a bag of candy from his stash the next day because he knew my supply would be near non-existent. Thanks, man.

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